Category: Lead Generation

Page: 3

Sales Hunting and Farming

April 1, 2011 in Client Acquisition, Lead Generation, Sales

Farmers and Hunters… Every company needs a mix of each of these types on their sales team. BUT, the reality is that there are tons more farmers out there than hunters. Why is this the case? Well, there are varying psychological reports that outline why, but the simplest answer is probably broken down into two parts: hunters receive more rejection, and farming is far easier.

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Does Outsourcing Lead Generation Cold Calling Really Work?

March 24, 2011 in Lead Generation

As a long time sales guy that made a decent living cold calling and pursuing new business, I have been known to air on the side of outbound dialing as a means of building my book of business. There is no question that the rules have changed, and getting people on the phones these days is nearly impossible.

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