Three Rules for Your Twitter Hashtag Habits


Hashtags (hash-tags) Noun

  1. A string of text, no spaces, following a hash sign (#) that’s searchable on Twitter
  2. An invaluable marketing device, similar to SEO, for use on the social media tool called Twitter
  3. #ACreativeAndFunWayToBrandYourCompany

By now you’ve probably jumped headlong into the Twitter craze. Millions of Twitter accounts have been created – potential sales just waiting to hear about you. Have you created an account, uploaded a picture, and tweeted a time or two? Are you sitting back, waiting for results? Turning Twitter into a beneficial venture takes more than a stream of tweets and a handful of followers. Getting the most out of Twitter involves strategy, and that strategy starts with hashtags. Those little pound signs in front of a word or two are more important than most users realize. Planning and implementing specific hashtag tactics can make the difference in your Twitter profitability. We’ve compiled a list of three rules to consider as you create your Twitter hashtag strategy.


Hashtags are similar to SEO keywords; you must choose them wisely. Centering your Twitter account on several specific hashtags is an excellent way to brand your company. You could be known as a thought leader by providing tweets on a select group of hashtags.

For example, a tech staffing company could invent their own hashtag: #HWD (hiring web developers) and post that hashtag every time they tweet a web developer wanted ad. If a company choses to invent their own hashtag, it’s important that they build a large following and spell out clearly what their invented hashtag means the first time they use it. Or that company could use common hashtags such as: #job or #hiring #developer. If a company choses to use popular hashtags, then their tweets are easier to find through a Twitter search of standard hashtags.


Stuffing your tweets with hashtags is spamming. Twitter uses hashtags to categorize tweets, so unless your tweets are relevant to their hashtags, you could be blocked as a spammer. For example, #IT #ITStaffing #job #developer #webdeveloper #Hiring is not a valid tweet. A tweet that is full of hashtags and no content is useless to followers.

Be a thought leader in your space. Tweet with the purpose of sharing valuable information, not just to gain followers. This will cause real, organic growth, rather than uninterested followers.


The third rule to remember about hashtags is that strategy isn’t everything. Yes, you should be wise with your tweets by including carefully chosen hashtags, and you should stay away from certain bad habits. But being creative with your tweets will help you stand out. Finding that balance between strategic and creative is the key to building a loyal following. Trust us, there’s a lot you can do with 140 characters.

Tweet questions and insights to @echogravity with the hashtag #hashhabits; we would love to hear from you!

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