[Podcast] Using this time to retool your sales people for success: An in-depth conversation with Jeff Mariola.


About this Episode:
No way did we ever expect a situation like this to turn our world upside down. In this episode, we speak with Jeff Mariola, former president of Brilliant Staffing and current partner with Mariola Unlimited. Jeff is a leadership coach and consultant, based in Chicago, that deeply understands emotional intelligence, organizational culture, and business leadership. If you want to know what great looks like, how to revision your business, differentiating in the sales approach in today’s age, managing a sales staff through turmoil, and how to maximize the opportunity of zoom meetings, you will not want to miss this episode.

About the Real Life Staffing Podcast:
Staffing and Recruiting: The Real Life combines business conversation with interesting and unique stories around situations and people involved in the staffing and recruiting industry. Our podcast is perfect listening for your commute, your workout or whenever you want to get a good laugh in about the real life of staffing and recruiting.

Episode Guest: Jeff Mariola
Jeff Mariola is the Chief Growth Officer of Mariola Unlimited, a leadership development advisory service business focused on executive coaching, leadership, management workshops, brand marketing, and keynote speaking. He has over 25 years in the CEO space and has a reputation for creating cultures that consistently outscore other high-performing companies in engagement, revenue and EBITDA growth, empowerment, and leadership.

Co-Host: Kevin O’Brien
Kevin O’Brien is a Partner with echogravity, a marketing agency specializing in the recruiting and staffing space. Learn more about echogravity and how they can dial up your outsourced marketing today.

Co-Host: Tony Sherwood
Tony Sherwood is a Partner with CyberSearch, an IT Staffing Firm specializing in the recruiting and staffing of IT professionals. Learn more about CyberSearch and how they can help you find the right staff today.