How Staffing Firms Can Use Glassdoor Marketing to Attract Top Talent

Studies show that 79% of job seekers use social media during their search, making it critical for your social media channels to show off your culture and humanize the recruiting experience. For most, social channels like LinkedIn, Facebook, and Twitter come to mind first, but Glassdoor is often a more powerful network.
Glassdoor marketing thus becomes key for staffing firms looking to attract top candidates. Actively tending to your company’s page, sharing relevant content, and managing your reviews are significant factors to your successful social media strategy. Read on to uncover more Glassdoor marketing tips for your staffing firm.
Evaluate Your Employer Brand
How do you measure the way candidates view your staffing firm? Simply take a look at how your brand is being reviewed on Glassdoor. Are you seeing positive or negative reviews? What’s your star rating? Are negative reviews going unanswered? Potential candidates are seeing the same commentary that you are, and 61% read company reviews before deciding whether or not to apply for a job. This means that more than half of your potential candidates could be influenced by your Glassdoor page before they even have the chance to talk with one of your recruiters.
Once you’ve evaluated how candidates are currently viewing your company via your profile, it will be easier to decide upon your next steps. If you have a large number of negative reviews, you may have some catching up to do. If, on the other hand, your reviews are mostly positive, your primary task will be to maintain your strong brand.
Building Your Positive Reviews
Unfortunately for many organizations, Glassdoor will not allow you to delete negative reviews. This is how potential candidates know they’re seeing an honest picture of what it’s like to work with your company. However, there are two things you can do to improve your staffing firm’s Glassdoor presence: show that you’re addressing negative feedback and solicit more positive reviews.
If you’re plagued by unfavorable evaluations from past candidates or employees, the best course of action is to quickly and publicly respond. 62% of Glassdoor users say their perception of a company improves after seeing an employer respond to a review, underscoring its importance. Routinely monitoring your account and replying diplomatically has a multitude of benefits. It not only raises other candidates’ impressions of your company but also provides the opportunity to follow up with reviewers for feedback that can help improve the candidate experience.
Next, create and implement a strategy for soliciting positive feedback from internal employees and candidates that you’ve worked with. Having recruiters reach out to placed candidates for Glassdoor reviews can be a simple, active step for gaining more positive reviews on the site. Your internal employees are also perfectly positioned to provide great reviews – all you have to do is ask. Proactively following up to solicit reviews can help bury old negative ones, raise your rating, and ensure that potential candidates are seeing up-to-date feedback they can trust.
Maintaining Your Brand
A staffing firm’s Glassdoor marketing can go well beyond the reviews that candidates are seeing, positioning your company as a thought leader in the industry and showing off your unique company culture. Update your company profile with new blogs and resources for candidates in order to provide value and demonstrate your expertise. Share company updates and fun workplace photos that give others a good idea of how your office operates and how your team enjoys themselves at work. Regularly updating Glassdoor is a simple and effective way to show candidates why they should work with your staffing firm.
Glassdoor Marketing for Staffing Firms
Social media has become a critical part of the marketing strategy for organizations looking to attract top talent in today’s competitive market. Often overlooked amid the plethora of social media channels available, Glassdoor offers a prime opportunity to demonstrate value to potential candidates. Building and maintaining your employer brand on Glassdoor is a key factor in recruiting the talent that your organization needs to drive continued success.
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