An echogravity Birthday Means Prizes to you and to Wolf-Hirschhorn Syndrome

On April 13th, 2011, echogravity was born. On April 13th, 2012, echogravity will celebrate it’s first birthday. It’s been quite a run for us and instead of accepting gifts, we have decided to give them away. If you want one of these gifts, here is all you need to do:
Win $50: LIKE us on Facebook and get as many of your friends to like us by April 13th, 2012. Whoever has the most friends that LIKE the echogravity page AND sends us a screen shot of their friend total, wins $50! In addition to the $50 for the winner, echogravity will donate an additional $50 to the 4p- Support Group via in the name of the winner. Entries need to be submitted no later than 11:59pm Central, April 13, 2012. Send a screen shot like the one below to us at
Win a $100 Best Buy Gift Card: Follow echogravity on LinkedIn and wish us Happy Birthday as a comment to our post on April 13, 2012. We will host a drawing for one winner to receive a $100 Best Buy Gift Card from the list of people that wish us Happy Birthday. It’s that easy!
Good Luck!