5 Scary Creatures your Sales Manager Should Avoid

As we approach yet another Halloween season, we think about all of the scary things in the workplace and ponder their effects on our job. And, as the year winds down, sales managers are tagged with determining quotas for next year and measuring reps on this year’s results; a most scary exercise.
Part of the new year planning process always includes assessing what new additions will be made to the sales force- not an easy task. We all know that hiring sales reps is a very difficult undertaking since we have no idea as to whether or not the person can perform. This process could produce a deadly outcome if the wrong decisions are made.
As part of the Halloween theme, we’ve identified 5 scary creatures that should be avoided (or terminated) as you plan your next year’s sales personnel strategy.
- Frankenstein: Frankenstein, on resume, looks great and has been built to succeed. This A-type personality carries a large presence, but lacks the brains to get the job done. He creates havoc within your department and leaves a serious mess once you get rid of them.
- Dracula: This high IQ individual works long hours into the night. They have high demands to be fed the best of tools in order to succeed, but in the end, sucks the life out of the rest of the team with all of their demands.
- Werewolf: A most agile person that seems quite normal most of the time. However, when the end of the quarter rolls around, they morph into an angry person that can’t quite close the deals. In fact, they have a tendency to make things a little hairy with your clients during random times of the month.
- Invisible Man: This guy is a slick personality that talks a mean game in the interview. But once you hire him, he disappears. Long lunches, numerous smoke breaks and an almost seemingly empty desk, he just isn’t around enough to hit quota.
- Bride of Frankenstein: Eye candy at it’s finest, this creature is made to please. She was hired to tag team with the other team members in order to help close opportunities. But even the drop-dead looks can’t nail the coffin on new deals.
Hiring sales talent is no easy chore. It is also quite costly to the business if these monsters are roaming your halls. Take the terror out of sales and business development by exploring inbound marketing programs; give yourself an early Christmas gift!